Not every small business has the means to pass out hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for software upgrades. This means things like Microsoft Office might not even be in the cards right now. Luckily, a number of free software programs exist to keep your small business running smoothly. In many cases, free options are evenly or exceedingly beneficial when compared to paid options. Here are some options to consider making your small business run smoother than ever.
Obviously, the office needs a software program that can keep things organized and accessible all. Document collaboration is an increasingly important requirement, as is saving things to a place that is available at the office and at home. Many small business owners know that work doesn’t end when the clock hits a certain time, so it’s nice to have the flexibility to grab documents from home. The obvious choice here is Google's G Suite which offers Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more, allowing teams to work on files simultaneously and save things to a cloud that allows for access anywhere. There's no need to install software or make a purchase. There’s not even the risk of being outdated and needing upgrades. Simply log on and you're connected to your documents wherever you are.
Email is another crucial part of a small business, and Mozilla’s Thunderbird is the superior software. If there is a certain email address you use, some sites limit you to their form of email software. Thunderbird allows you to access any web mailboxes using IMAP, and the changes between them will be synchronized. This means personal email and work email can all be on one software and updated continuously to keep you in the loop.
Lastly, Slack is something your office should be using already for project communication, but if not, start today. You can create a new chat channel in seconds and invite everyone involved to share status updates, ideas, and even upload files. It fully integrates itself with G Suite and allows for a bit of room to blow off steam with coworkers too while you share stories and GIFs.
With free ways to run the office smoothly, cash and time can be saved to be allocated for lower middle market business decisions. Need help making the next move? Get in touch with SA Capital Partners, the premier solution for lower middle market capital raising, financial services, and expertise in the industry.
About SA Capital Partners:
SA Capital Partners is an innovative financial services firm that specializes in mergers & acquisitions advisory and capital raising for lower middle market businesses. We aspire to give all the tools necessary to complete any transaction. SA Capital Partner’s financial services industry specialists provide comprehensive, integrated solutions to banking transactions. Our breadth of services and industry knowledge allow us to understand each client’s unique business needs. Our goal is to make all financial services available to every small business.
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